

O3PO_Form Trait for forms such as the settings form.


O3PO_SettingsSpecifyer Interface for classes specifying settings.


O3PO The core plugin class.
O3PO_Activator Fired during plugin activation.
O3PO_Admin The admin-specific functionality of the plugin.
O3PO_Ads Encapsulates the interface with the external service ads.
O3PO_Arxiv Encapsulates the interface with the external service arXiv.
O3PO_Author A class to represent authors.
O3PO_Bibentry A class to represent bibliography entries.
O3PO_Buffer Encapsulates the interface with the external service Buffer.com.
O3PO_Clockss Encapsulates the interface with the external service CLOCKSS.
O3PO_Crossref Encapsulates the interface with the external service Crossref.
O3PO_Deactivator Fired during plugin deactivation.
O3PO_Doaj Encapsulates the interface with the external service DOAJ.
O3PO_EmailTemplates Class representing the email templates
O3PO_Environment Provide information about and functions to interact with the environment in which this plugin is running.
O3PO_i18n Define the internationalization functionality.
O3PO_Journal The functionality related to individual journals.*
O3PO_Latex This class provides a collection of various functions to transform, parse, and convert latex code to and from utf8 and other encodings.
O3PO_Latex_Dictionary_Provider This class provides various dictionaries that O3PO_Latex needs to do its job.
O3PO_Loader Register all actions and filters for the plugin.
O3PO_Plotter Collection of functions for visualization of data by means of relatively simple html.
O3PO_PrimaryPublicationType Class representing the primary publication type.
O3PO_Public The public-facing functionality of the plugin.
O3PO_PublicationType Base class for types of publications.
O3PO_PublicForm Class for the ready to publish form.
O3PO_Ready2PublishDashboard Class for displaying manuscripts ready to publish on the admin panel.
O3PO_Ready2PublishForm Class for the ready to publish form.
O3PO_Ready2PublishStorage Trait for the storage of data on manuscripts ready to publish.
O3PO_Relevanssi Encapsulates the interface with the Relevanssi plugin.
O3PO_SecondaryPublicationType Class representing the secondary publication type.
O3PO_Settings Manage the settings of the plugin.
O3PO_ShortcodeTemplate A class to represent shortcode templates.
O3PO_Singleton A modern implementation of the Singleton Pattern in php.
O3PO_Utility A collection of various utility functions.




The code that runs during plugin activation.

This action is documented in includes/class-o3po-activator.php



The code that runs during plugin deactivation.

This action is documented in includes/class-o3po-deactivator.php



Begins execution of the plugin.

Since everything within the plugin is registered via hooks, then kicking off the plugin from this point in the file does not affect the page life cycle.